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The contemporary world faces a radical crisis today in almost all domains of life. Human suffering and ecological  damage have reached unprecedented and terrifying levels. Old systems are  collapsing, nature becomes turbulent, an apparent chaos is happening.

But simultaneously a new spirit is at work. This is an awakening call for humanity to look for new and appropriate answers.

We are in front of unknown territories and ego and mind structures are not enough. We need to stand still, face our wounds, our broken hearts and look inside to find what is our soul. And maybe we discover the wonder of life and how we can play a constructive role…

Nature, Man & Spirit

Nature, Man & Spirit

Man is not the last link in the evolutionary process. Man’s rational mind is only a stepping stone towards another consciousness, an unitive consciousness.

Nature in the form of mineral, plant and animal Kingdoms still hold the simplicity of the pure heart in a more dormant,  instinctive way. If we  consciously connect to Nature and become silent, it is perhaps a way of deconditioning the mind and to come in contact with something more timeless and infinite.

In the next evolutionary spirit of today and tomorrow we will discover new constructive potentials and finally collaborate for a future of humanity where all beings will have a place and right to live beautifully.

It is the time to shift to the deep heart – of eternal Love and Beauty. Life in its totality is the playground and teacher.

We all can learn to trust the essential potential which is secretly organising every living being and as such finding purpose and celebrate.

Our Offerings

Our Offerings

World Game

This activity has been an educational tool in Auroville since it's beginning, although now in Auroville it is mainly played with children, yet it was also intended for adults. The World Game encourages spontaneity, trust in oneself and being in the flow of the moment.

It is an opportunity to be creative, to be able to express our own individuality and our unique, living soul.

Nature Connection

Nature all around is full of messages, nature speaks, and one can learn the language. Going out on walks, listening to the messages of the birds, of the wind, whichever Elements may call us: flowers, trees, a dog, a spider, a frog, a crystal, a rock. Connecting from heart to heart. A wonderful journey into deep and magical communication with all things; everything alive ingesting love and respect for the environment, for the earth and its creatures.

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Web Book

Glimpses of Wonder

“ The dreams of childhood are the realities of mature age” The Mother

This web book can be read anywhere on any web browser, giving global readers true independence from patent e-book devices.

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