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Come out dear ones, tell me who you are?

Are you a clown?

Are you a mermaid?

Are you an angel?

Are you an ET?

Are you the architect of a new world?

Are you an ancient tree, now 2 legged?

You came from the unknown shadows and now you find a new Sun

Come out of your closet


Come out of your closet

We will have a party together

The birds are singing already and calling, and the rain washed away all pain

Come to life- grow the flesh, the muscles, grow the smile on your face

I see you crawling out of the soil deep under the ground

I see you rolling onto the earth

Mother Nature welcomes you in her bosom

You are not forgotten, you are not alone

Invite all your friends and we will celebrate the new life


Come , come out

I play the drum for you, I play the flute for you

Shamans and midwifes, Krishna, Gods and Goddesses are all welcoming you

Come, come skeletons, come out of your closet

I’m you daughter, I’m your partner, I’m your mother, I’m your soul

I honor you, I acknowledge you, thank you.

February ’21

sanjana 2c

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